calories carbohydrates sugar

Committing to have healthier eating habits is a tough one. Knowing how to implement that commitment may be even harder. Where do you start? What foods should you eat, and which ones should you stay away from? These are all questions you have about calories, carbohydrates, sugar, you should answer before going out to the grocery store.

We need nutrients to survive. We need vitamins, minerals, and calories every day. There are two types of nutrients. Micronutrients are our vitamins and minerals and macronutrients are where our calories come from. The three types of macronutrients are fat, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Many people think that all fats are bad and recently started thinking all carbohydrates are bad too. That leaves us with just protein. If this were the case, our diets wouldn’t be very enjoyable. Fortunately, not all fats are bad and the same goes for carbohydrates.

With all the negative publicity recently, you might be afraid to eat any carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are our main fuel source. Our brain can’t use anything else to power itself and our muscles will work the best on it. Don’t deprive yourself of it. Carbohydrates that you should stay away from are simple sugars that are found in candy, sodas, and many snacks. Good carbohydrates such as whole wheat and fruits will keep you energized throughout the day and avoid sugar highs and lows.

Fats are also very important. Without fat, our body wouldn’t be able to utilize some of the vitamins we consume. Fat is found in our cell walls and makes up a big part of hormones. Fats you should avoid are saturated fats that come in meat, milk, and dairy products. Everyone should consume good (unsaturated fats) that come from plant sources such as nuts and olives.

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