valerian benefits

Do you suffer from insomnia? Are you desperate to get some quality sleep? Believe it or not, one in three people suffer from at least mild insomnia. Unfortunately, the prevailing treatments for insomnia are prescription medications, full of risky side effects. These medications aren’t very effective. They merely put a band-aid on the problem; the moment you stop taking them, you’re back where you started.

Therefore, many of those struggling with insomnia are choosing to try more natural herbal medications. They aren’t the only patients making this change.

The valerian herb has become increasingly popular for the treatment of insomnia (as it has a sedative side effect). This includes menopausal symptoms and many other conditions. Through this article, you’ll learn all the healing properties of the valerian herb. And the benefits with which it can provide you.

What can valerian treat and heal

Valerian is an herb that’s grown in North America, some areas of Asia, and Europe. The foot of which is made into a medication. The healing properties of valerian help to treat many ailments and conditions. The following are proven conditions that valerian can be used to treat:


Taking valerian regularly for several days of weeks can decrease the amount of time it takes you to fall asleep. And improve the overall quality of your sleep. Patients have reported even better results when they combined valerian with other herbs like lemon balm and hops. Some research claims valerian isn’t as effective as most prescription sleep medicines.


Studies have shown that taking valerian root three times a day for eight weeks can reduce the frequency and severity of the hot flashes postmenopausal women have to face.

The conditions that follow have been said to be effectively treated with valerian. But there’s not enough evidence available to deem them proven fact:

● Anxiety
● Stress
● Depression
● Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
● Menstrual Cramps
● Restlessness
● Headache
● Convulsions
● Mild Tremors
● Epilepsy
● Muscle and joint pain
● Stomach discomfort
● Many more

As you can see from the long list above, valerian has a wide range of healing properties that can be used to treat various ailments and illnesses.

Potential side effects

Every medication, even herbal medications, has a risk of causing side effects ranging in severity. Valerian has been known to cause headaches, mental dullness, stomach discomfort, uneasiness, excitability, and heart disturbances. And can cause insomnia (though rare) in some people. Some have reported experiencing vivid dreams and dry mouth from taking Valerian, as well.

Many report a hangover effect of increased sluggishness the next day. This seems to be more prominent the more valerian you take. Though studies have shown valerian is safe for short-term use, none have been conducted for longer than 28 days.

This means that the safety of taking valerian for a prolonged period is currently unknown. It’s advised that you stop taking valerian two weeks before surgery. As it slows the central nervous system down. And can have adverse effects when combined with other medications that have the same effect, like anesthesia.

More and more people are turning to the healing properties of natural herbal medications like valerian to treat their pain and insomnia. These medications tend to be safer than the prescription ones commonly used for treatment.

We hope we’ve been able to provide you with a complete overview of the healing properties of valerian and the conditions it can treat. If you want to try valerian, but still have a few more questions first, you can ask your doctor or pharmacist for assistance. They may even be able to provide you with recommendations for trustworthy brands.

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