Proteins are very important to our bodies. It isn’t just for bodybuilders who use them to gain muscle mass. Protein and amino acid requirements in human nutrition are important. Those who are sick use them to rebuild damaged tissue. Even in normal states, our body uses protein for many different tasks. We will take a closer look at nutrition proteins and amino acids
Proteins are made of amino acids that are folded together. There are essential amino acids for amino acid and protein nutrition. Those that our body cannot make, and nonessential amino acids – those that our body can make. Proteins that are made up of all the essential amino acids are said to be complete. While those that lack one or more essential amino acids are incomplete. Complete proteins come from sources such as meat, eggs, cheese, dairy, and soy. Incomplete proteins come mainly from vegetable sources with the one exception being soy.
The ideal source should be complete proteins for most people that is fine. If you are worried about fat intake, try lean cuts of beef, chicken, and turkey. For vegetarians whose main source comes from incomplete proteins, getting a variety of vegetables and whole grains throughout the day will ensure that all essential amino acids are consumed. Also, using soy protein (the only complete vegetable source of protein) is very beneficial.